Thursday, October 22, 2009

Discovering Our Design

Last weekend was our annual fall retreat. We focused on Discovering Our Design. God has given every person a unique design that we cannot change. We spent the weekend seeking to begin discovering the way that God has wired us. I am excited about seeing these designs working in our ministry helping it function the best it can.

Oh yeah...we also had a ton of fun. It wouldn't be a retreat without it! Hanging out. Playing games. Staying up late. We did a high ropes course that really pushed some of our students faith! Overall, God was glorified, and we had a chance to get away from the routine to refocus on him. Thanks for you prayers and support for this weekend.

Chris <><

Monday, October 5, 2009

KFC Fall Retreat

In just under two weeks (Oct 16-18) we are having our annual Kats for Christ Fall Retreat. This year we are going to be making some good progress on one of our major goals for the year: to allow at least 20 students the opportunity to discover their ministry gifts. The process is pretty involved, but here is what is behind the goal. Rather than trying to fit students into a particular ministry slot, we are trying to fit our ministry to the areas in which God has gifted us. During the weekend, we hope to discover (and allow students to discover) their gifts as a first step in achieving this goal. I'm seriously excited to see what God does at this years' retreat.

Here is where you can help us. I love hearing stories of God working at retreats through the years. It seems like He takes advantage of people choosing to get away for a weekend to get closer to him with other Christians! Will you consider sending me a short story of how God worked in your life at one of the Kats for Christ retreats? I want to share these with our current students so they can see our God more clearly!

Also, will you consider contributing to help one student go on the retreat this year? The cost is $35 per student. We have a temporary online retreat payment option where even students can pay for their retreat. If you want to help make the retreat a possibility for a student unable to pay this year, just go to and make your contribution as long as this option is available. God is good all the time.

We appreciate your continued support for this ministry. Let me know if you have any questions.

Chris <><
Kats for Christ
Campus Minister

PS-As always, you can also make one-time or recurring online contributions here.